About Me

When I was a kid, I loved tinkering with stuff on my mom’s computer. 💻 There was always something new to learn, silly things to download, or wacky messages to send to friends (some will say « oh, he knew MSN »). What’s for sure is that I’ve always adored the sense of freedom that the internet and computers gave me. It allowed me to awaken my curiosity and insatiable desire to understand. I even used to get sad or angry when the ADSL connection cut out… 😩

Fast forward a few years, diploma in electronic engineering in hand, I started working as a digital PCB designer in the R&D department at IDEMIA. I discovered the world of security and smartcards, environments where electronics are ubiquitous and restrictions/challenges abound. I also worked on developing embedded firmwares that face numerous hurdles: limited memory, high-performance cryptography, code security, etc. It was a real shock realizing how vast and application-rich the world of electronics and embedded systems is! 🤯

Since I love diversity in projects and want to multiply my learning sources, I decided to create a blog/portfolio containing projects, tutorials and notes. This will serve as a logbook chronicling my adventures in the embedded electronics world. This website also aims to help others learn electronic concepts, reuse resources, or simply discover interesting projects.

Happy reading! 😄📖